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News from the Westbank in Luxor Egypt  Spring 2014

 These tombs are not open yet for visitors!


Tomb 01:

A tomb recently discovered by Japanese Archeologists.


Japanese archaeologists have unearthed the tomb of an ancient beer brewer in the city of Luxor that is more than 3,000 years old.

Mohammed Ibrahim, minister of Antiquities, said that the tomb dated back to the Ramesside period and belonged to the chief "maker of beer for gods of the dead", who was also the head of a warehouse.

He added that the walls of the tomb's chambers contain "fabulous designs and colours, reflecting details of daily life … along with their religious rituals".

The tomb owner is Khonso Im Heb, the overseer of the granaries and the beer makers for Goddess Mut during the Ramesside

 period. The discovery by Waseda University expedition is an important one as the tomb walls shows a lot of daily life details

 and the nature of relation between husband, wife and children in ancient Egypt and the religious rituals they used to practice.

The newly discovered tomb in a T shape and it is connected to unfinished tomb of someone called Hon."

The paintings in the tomb shows the tomb owner with his wife "Mut Em Hep" and his daughter "Is At Kh", both held the title

 "Chantress" of Mut, All together making an offering to the Gods.

One of the scenes shows open the mouth ritual and other shows the tomb owner with his wife praying for Osiris and Anubis.

The ceiling shows a scene where the tomb owner is standing before a solar boat in reverence.

Dr. Jiro Kondo, the director of Waseda University mission said "The tomb was discovered during the cleaning work in the front

 yard for tomb TT47 of an official in the time of Amenhotep III called "Userhat". 


Maybe in near future we can visit this interesting tomb ourselves….


Tomb 02:

Tomb of "Maai" from the 18th Dynasty


The discovery is a tomb of an high official called "Maai" from the 18th Dynasty, it was discovered by the Spanish-Italian mission

 working in Sheikh Abd Qurna on the West Bank. The team found a funerary cone made of pottery shows the titles of the

deceased including, The Secret Keeper of the God, the Supervisor of the cattle, Overseer of the fields, Overseer of the King's

horses, the Mayor,  Distinguished of Osiris and the Prince. The tomb was discovered during the mission's work in tomb TT109,

where they made a hole in one of the walls which led to get to the newly discovered tomb.